Thursday, March 28, 2013

LBP - The Yellow Mirror

Last year, our wedded bliss had put a little damper on our projects. Not so much from the stand-point that we didn't do projects and update our house, but more so we completed projects much faster than we could document them. If you are an avid follower (which come on now, you really should be), you noticed a lot of sporadic postings.

I'd like to introduce a series of blog posts to you called the "Lost Blog Posts" or the LBPs for short. Some of these posts are semi-broken up. Some of these posts overlap with other posts. Some have a start and are missing steps in getting to the final product. The long story short, these are Maureen's little orphans. So let's get reacquainted and give these orphans some light.

Lost Blog Post - The Yellow Mirror

The mirror doesn't have a huge fancy story but it does have a big impact on our living room wall. We found this little shining star at the Appleton Goodwill store while in town visiting our future officiant for our wedding. I made Max stop in and then after perusing their inventory found this little beaut for $5.99.

The golden rod color really gives a pop of color to our wall and it works really well with some of the pillows we already have. As you can tell, I'm really trying to blend the bright colors with neutrals to keep them grounded and not overpowering the room. No one likes to come into a room and BAM! Color just puked all over them.

So that is orphan #1.

In other news, I just had my 31st birthday. It was quietly spent this year with Max and it was quite nice. The biggest surprise of the evening was after cooking me a whole meal of delicious stuffed peppers with wine, he went straight for a sorority girl's heart and started a fund to help me pay my lifetime alumna dues along with my sorority's flowers (our wedding flowers). Such a winner! Truly, I am a lucky woman!

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