Today here in Milwaukee, we are expecting near record breaking heat at 95° and a crazy high heat index. I went for my morning jog (doing the RunWithJess Half-Marathon Challenge this summer to lose that wedding weight) and felt like I was going to die. So hot! I will undoubtable be staying inside most of the day. Some of my little friends will have to bear the heat though, my vegetable garden.
Since I killed my starter shoots (again) I bought a few varieties of pepper and tomato plants from Steins in early stage and some closer to already producing so we would have a prolonged summer to eat.
Some of my tomatoes are already ripening.
I did however plant lettuce and string beans straight into the ground and they are both doing wonderfully. We'll be able to eat the lettuce very soon.
I'm making something tonight with our poblano peppers, so pumped!
My late season tomato plants that I bought tiny are now huge and blooming. They should also be producing within the month. My onion plants which I transplanted from last summer (sort of forgot about them) are doing great as well and blooming.
So far, raised bed garden is doing great! I'm so relieved and slightly proud I haven't killed anything in there yet. The only fail was when we were planting our jalapeno pepper plant, the upper part got snapped and killed part of the plant, good new though, its has new growth coming up around the sides.
How is your garden doing this summer? Post links to pics! Let us know what you are eating this summer.
Pats company gives each employee a plot of they want it. We are on outlet second year and he thought cucumbers would be a great idea. We didn't read the package and planted the whole package. Are you going to be in Madison soon? We are giving away cucumber seedlings for anyone that wants them.